These books are fun and easy to make. They require (3 )12 x 12 sheets of cardstock and (5) 12 x 12 sheets of coordinating paper.
You begin by cutting all cardstock into 6 x 12 strips. Lay one aside, after scoring it, for now.
Then cut the coordinating papers into 5 3/4 squares.
With those squares cut 8 of them in half and take off another 1/8 in on one side of each half. (these are to put on the small 3" "doors". On the very front ones you will have to adjust as they aren't quite as wide due to the adjustment on each side for the thickness of the book
Begin scoring the cardstock strips 3 inches in on each end.
Fold each of the five pieces in to each other where you have scored.
glue your 3 inch parts together to form 5 sections and 3 sets of 3" doors (see below)
Take the strip that you layed aside and on the left side score it next to the outside of the original 3" score. These two scores will be 1/4 " apart. On the right side do the same, only score 1/4" + 1/8" because when folded the book is slightly thicker on the right. Actually adjust these score lines to accommodate the thickness of the book.
At this point, using an exacto knife, you need to cut slits on each side of the back portion on the original 3 inch score lines and insert the ribbon and pull through. I like ribbon with write as it can be made so pretty on the bow.
This is a look at the thicker part of the book (right side as it is laying in front of you)
This is looking down on the book, and also showing the smaller side of the book.
This is the front of the book before the last cardstock has been added. When you have all five panels laying out flat--you fold in the first one on the right had end, then fold those two over the third one--the go to left side and fold over first one on the left and you have 2 folded on left and 3 folded together on right. Now fold them together and it should look like left had picture
Now the book is ready to be glued into the final strip which has been prepared with the ribbon, and the side allowances for the thickness of the book.
I add "hang-overs" as I go. i.e. Happy Birthday circle You just have to have something on the back side of the same size with something on it.
and this is the final book, tied and ready to present.
This book that I used for demo was a 4 x 4 birthday book for the sextuplets first birthday.
I have always used the books for photos before this and in 6 x 6 size.
I scanned in the book showing how the "doors" can open and close for more materials to be put on them. Double click on them to read the writing and see the doll babies up close.
first page with open "doors" doors closed next to whole page
So that's how it went--its hard to see which one are side panels, either opened or closed.
I'm adding a few more pictures from a book with photos in it. I want to show an example of how I did a couple of "overhangs" in this book.
The title and group picture are mounted on one "door" and overhang the other.
This shows the "overhang" when it is opened. (on the left) You can see it extends past the "door".
This is a set of "closed" doors with a photo overhang.
This is that same overhang opened...and the picture of child in black
is cut to fit the first overhang.
I hope this is clear. I realize that as a teacher, I do much better when I can show you, can help to clear something up, and have the finished project to exhibit. If you can't figure something out, don't hesitate to email me.